Monthly Archives: October, 2012

Bas Clas to Rock the End of Daze

The End of Daze are upon us. Saturday, October 27, 2012 is the official date chosen by the Enlightened Ones of the Krewe of MOMS to open to the world the chance to join them in costumed revelry as they dance in the face of doom to celebrate the End of Daze. Bas Clas is one of the triumvirate of musical mystics chosen by the priests of pleasure to sound the alarm and sing the songs that will shake the foundations of the Temples of the Prudes.

Taking the altar at the start of the night, Bas Clas will begin the sacrificial rituals with music and dance at the musical temple of The Howlin Wolf in New Orleans.

Asked whether the music can indeed turn the tide at this late hour, a not-to-be-named mystic said, “These are dark times. We shall prevail, and if this is not to be, we shall dance until the end.”

MOMS Halloween 2012, the End of Daze will soon be upon us.